The Remarkable Benefits of Minoxidil for Alleviating Hair Loss

iStock_000024492416Small-300x199Minoxidil is a safe treatment for those who suffer from hair loss and it was the first drug approved by the Food and Drug Administration for the treatment of male pattern baldness (androgenetic alopecia). When it was first introduced, minoxidil only existed as an oral drug more commonly known as “Loniten”, which was used to treat high blood pressure. However, it resulted in one major side effect: hair growth. In the 1980s, a topical formula of minoxidil was created and today this solution is used by both men and women as a Hair Loss Treatment.

Minoxidil is available over the counter and exists in both 2% and 5%concentrations. Although the 5% may be viewed as more effective, it is highly suggested that women only use minoxidil with 2% concentration due to side effects. When using minoxidil, people sometimes experience shedding before hair regrowth. This shedding period is considered normal and impacts the hairs undergoing the resting (telogen) phase. This increase in shedding typically occurs between 2-6 weeks after beginning the minoxidil treatment and should diminish within a few weeks as thicker hairs form in the new growing (anagen) phase.

To achieve maximum results, the minoxidil treatment should be placed directly on the scalp for a minimum of four hours before allowing the hair to get wet. Applying to wet hair or using a hairdryer on the scalp can result in a less effective treatment. Although most people don’t experience side effects and when they do, they tend to be very manageable. If discontinued, minoxidil can progressively regress hair growth and in 6-12 months the scalp can appear as it did before the minoxidil treatment.

With habitual use, minoxidil hair regrowth can be seen as early as four months, as it promotes oxygen, nutrients and blood flow to the scalp for increased hair density and overall hair growth. Although choosing to use a minoxidil Hair Loss Treatment requires continuous upkeep, for a topical formula, the results are unparalleled, safe and well worth the commitment.

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