Five Things to Address When Looking at Hair Loss

iStock_000017629009Small-282x300 (1)Treating hair loss can be a tricky subject. Hair loss is dependent on several factors such as genetics and vitamin deficiencies. We have compiled a list of five things that you must look at before treating your hair loss to prevent aggravating your situation and on the road to success.

  1. See your doctor– Hair loss can be a symptom of a disease you have yet to discover. For example, lupus and diabetes are two common causes that have hair loss as a symptom. If these two diseases are ruled out, you might suffer from a fungal scalp infection or alopecia. Go to a professional to check it out before diagnosing yourself, something that can cause further damage in the future.
  2. Look at your genetics – If hair loss runs in your family on either side (yes your mom’s side too) than that can be the main source of your issue. Unfortunately, you can’t reverse this because it is in your DNA. However, you can look to get a hair transplant on your crown if you are able to afford it.
  3. Check your diet – This one seems like a no-brainer, but you would be surprised at how much people don’t listen to this one simple rule. Eating healthy is key to a properly functioning body. Certain proteins and minerals are critical for optimum health care. Ensuring that you keep up with your Omega 3’s and vegetables is extremely important.
  4. Check your stress levels – Anxiety and stress are two major causes of hair loss. Practicing simple techniques such as meditation and exercise can drastically improve your quality of life as well as helping with hair loss. Meditation reduces stress and restores your hormonal balance, which has a strong positive effect on the aging process. Also, writing a journal can help release negative emotions.
  5. Are you experiencing a vitamin deficiency? – Low levels of Vitamin B12 and Biotin can be linked to hair loss. Taking a B-complex vitamin is recommended to help your body cope with stressors and thus helping decrease hair loss. If you are interested in going au-natural, you can take saw palmetto supplements. This herb helps block the production of DHT, a hormone that is suspected to cause hair loss in some people. You can also find saw palmetto in hair loss shampoos and other topical treatments.

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